Yesterday, a clinician reached out after taking another BFR vendor’s course. During the course, the instructor stated that “BFR requires between 40% and 60% of Limb Occlusion Pressure (LOP).”
He wanted to know why I emphasize that BFR requires FULL VENOUS OCCLUSION—and asked for studies to back it up.
I had a multi-part response:
✅ The instructor didn’t know and should learn more before teaching others.
✅ The instructor confused “venous” (veins) with “vascular” (entire circulatory system).
✅ The instructor incorrectly presented certain vendors’ practice of setting cuff pressure as a percentage of LOP as a universal requirement.
I provided multiple studies confirming full venous occlusion—a topic I’ll dive deeper into in a future post. But what stood out? Many authors in the field are also confused or misinformed.
Quick tip: Venous = veins. Vascular = veins, arteries, and capillaries.And the other? Well, that’s a planet hot enough to melt lead. 🌋🔥
Let me know—have you encountered similar misconceptions in BFR education? 👇
Oh, and want links to accurate articles and case studies? Click on this link www.rockcuff.com/osx